Zehntner GmbH Testing Instruments – The Swiss manufacturer of precision measuring and testing instruments for the quality control of all types of surfaces.

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Gloss is the opti­cal proper­ty of a sur­face to reflect light into the specu­lar direction, an important appear­ance factor. The visual impres­sion of gloss is depen­dent on the individual per­ception, there­fore the gloss values are deter­mined using gloss­meters. Zehntner is the leading manu­facturer of top class gloss­meters.


The growth of techno­logy in­creases contin­uously the require­ments on physical proper­ties of coating materials, adhesives and similar products.
Zehntner offers a wide pro­duct range of measur­ing and testing equip­ment for the quali­ty con­trol for various appli­cation areas and in many industries.